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單向通道 one way channel
單向加密 one way cipher
單向通信 one way communication
單向連接 one way connection
單向受控傳輸 one way controlled transmission
單向有限自動機 one way finite automaton
單向無限帶 one way infinite tape
單向輸入 one way input
單向輸入帶 one way input tape
單向交互作用 one way interaction
一元配置,單向配置 one way layout
單向線路,單向鏈路 one way line
單向鏈接 one way linkage
單向邏輯通道進入 one way logical channel incoming
單向非確定性巢套堆疊自動機 one way nondeterministic nested stack automata
單向非確定性堆疊自動機 one way nondeterministic stack automaton
單向通道 one way only channel
單向工作,單工操作 one way only operation
單向操作 one way operation
單向指標 one way pointer
單向無線電方程式 one way radio equation
單向可逆作業 one way reversible operation
單向可逆電報作業 one way reversible telegraph operation
單向環 one way ring
單向信號 one way signal
單向堆疊 one way stack
單向堆疊自動機 one way stack automaton
單向傳輸 one way transmission
單向中繼線 one way trunk
單字位址 one word address
單字值 one word value
單寫 one writing
一加半位址 one-and-a-half address
單臂選路器 one-armed router
單邊網路 one-aside network
以 1 為基索引 one-based indexing
雷射線重寫 one-beam overwrite
單按鈕鎖定系統 one-button lockup system
單晶片攝影機 one-chip camera
一維 one-dimensional
單眼立體測定法 one-eyed stereo
單行修正 one-line fix
單分子電晶體 one-molecule transistor
一次一個 one-off
四中取一選擇電路 one-out-of-four selecting circuit
十中取一碼 one-out-of-ten code
一超一位址系統 one-over-one address system
完整底片 one-piece film
一加一 one-plus-one
一加一位址 one-plus-one address
一加一位址計算機 one-plus-one address computer
一加一位址指令 one-plus-one address instruction
一加一代碼 one-plus-one code
一加一指令 one-plus-one instruction
單點透視 one-point perspectiveness
一的補數 ones complement
1補數,1之補數 one's complement
一補數 one's complement
一補數運算 one's complement arithmetic
一補數二進制數 one's complement binary number
一補數電路 one's complement circuit
一補數運算子 one's complement operator
一補數表示法 one's complement representation
一補數器 one's complementer
一次膠膠裝 one-shot binding
單面粉紙 one-sided art
一次用碳紙 one-time carbon paper
單次通行碼 one-time password
一對一行銷 one-to-one marketing
一對一關係 one-to-one relationship
單向加密 one-way encryption
單向加密演算法 one-way encryption algorithm
單向函數 one-way function
單向散列函數 one-way hash function
單向傳播時間 one-way propagation time
進行中的挪用公款 on-going defalcation
在庫成本 on-hand cost
在庫成本或全年使用價格 on-hand cost or annual use at price
在庫成本範圍 on-hand cost range
在庫數量 on-hand quantity
在庫總數量 on-hand total quantity
掛機,非工作中 on-hook
掛機信號 on-hook signal
洋蔥選路 onion routing
洋蔥皮架構 onion skin architecture
洋蔥皮語言 onion skin language
洋蔥皮等級 onion skin level
洋蔥紙 onion-skin
連線存取機器交互作用 on-line access machine interaction
連線配接器 on-line adapter
連線行政管理資訊系統 on-line administrative information system,OASIS
連線演算法 on-line algorithm
連線類比輸入 on-line analog input,OAI
連線類比輸出 on-line analog output,OAO
連線分析 on-line analysis
連線分析處理 on-line analysis process
線上分析挖掘 on-line analytical mining
連線分析處理 on-line analytical processing
線上分析處理 on-line analytical processing,OLAP
連線與離線 on-line and off-line
連線應用 on-line application
連線應用異動 on-line application transaction
線上拍賣 online auction
線上機構 on-line authority
連線備份 on-line backup
連線銀行系統 on-line banking system
連線資料庫系統 on-line base system
連線整批處理 on-line batch processing
連線整批處理系統 on-line batch processing system
連線商用系統 on-line business systems,OBS
連線鈕 on-line button
連線容量 on-line capacity
連線卡片閱讀機 on-line card reader
連線中央檔案 on-line central file
線上憑證狀態協定 on-line certificate status protocol
線上變更 on-line change
線上(手寫)字元辨識 on-line character recognition,OLCR
連線電路分析 on-line circuit analysis,OLCA
線上電路設計 on-line circuit design,OLCD
線上引用 on-line citation
連線計時器 on-line clock
連線閉迴路 on-line closed loop
連線命令語言 on-line command language
連線通信 on-line communication
連線通信驅動器,連線通信驅動程序 on-line communication driver,OCD
連線通信配接器 on-line communications adapter,OLCA
連線社區 on-line community
連線編譯器 on-line compiler
線上計算 on-line computation
連線電腦程式館中心 on-line computer library center,OCLC
連線計算機輸出微縮膠卷記錄器 on-line computer output microfilm recorders
連線計算機系統 on-line computer system,OLCS
連線計算機 on-line computer,OLC
線上計算 on-line computing
連線控制台 on-line console
連線控制 on-line control
連線控制檔案 on-line control file
連線密碼分析輔助語言 on-line cryptanalytic aid language,OCAL
連線密碼分析輔助系統 on-line crypto-analytic aid system,OCAS
連線密碼設備 on-line cryptographic equipment
連線加密操作 on-line cryptographic operation
連線密碼運算 on-line crypto-operation
連線資料 on-line data
線上資料獲取 on-line data acquisition
線上資料輸入 on-line data entry
連線資料登錄系統 on-line data entry system,ODESY
連線資料流 on-line data flow
連線資料處理 on-line data processing
連線資料處理機 on-line data processor,OLDAP
連線資料縮減 on-line data reduction,OLDR
連線資料庫管理 on-line database management
連線資料庫系統 on-line database system
連線資料庫 on-line database,OLDB
連線除錯 on-line debug
連線除錯通信器 on-line debug communicator
連線除錯程式 on-line debug program
線上除錯系統 on-line debugging system
連線除錯技術 on-line debugging technique,ODT
連線診斷及報告系統 on-line diagnostic and report system,ODARS
線上偵錯技術 on-line diagnostic technique,ODT
連線診斷 on-line diagnostics
連線對話 on-line dialogue
線上數位類比模擬器 On-line Digital Analog Simulator
連線數位控制系統 on-line digital control system
連線數位輸入 on-line digital input,ODI
連線數位輸出 on-line digital output,ODO
連線磁碟檔案 on-line disk file
連線顯示系統 on-line display system,OLDS
連線文件檢索系統 on-line document retrieval system
線上傾印 on-line dump
線上編輯 on-line edit
連線編輯 on-line editing
連線編輯器 on-line editor
連線加密 on-line encryption
連線環境 on-line environment
連線設備 on-line equipment
即時線上執行 on-line executive for real-time,OLERT
連線執行程式 on-line executive,OLX
連線故障檢測 on-line fault detection
連線檔案 on-line file
連線檔案軟體 on-line file software,OLFS
連線檔案系統 on-line file system,OLFS
線上正向復原 on-line forward recovery
連線傅立葉變換系統 on-line Fourier transform system,OLFTS
連線自由形式輸入 on-line free form input
線上手寫中文字元識別 on-line handwritten Chinese character recognition
線上求助 on-line help
連線求助系統 on-line help system
線上識別演算法 on-line identification algorithm
線上影像複製 on-line image copy
連線成像光調變器 on-line image-forming light modulator,OLIFLM
連線隱式計算 on-line implicit calculation
連線資訊 on-line information
連線資訊檢索 on-line information retrieval
連線資訊檢索系統 on-line information retrieval system
線上資訊服務 on-line information service
連線資訊系統 on-line information system
連線輸入 on-line input
連線輸入指令 on-line input instruction
連線詢問系統 on-line inquiry system
連線交互作用 on-line interaction
連線交談式專案管理系統 on-line interactive project management system
連線交談系統 on-line interactive system
連線反轉檔案系統 on-line inverted file system
連線工件 on-line job
連線工件控制 on-line job control
連線期刊 on-line journal
線上日誌資料集 on-line log data set
線上邏輯模擬 on-line logic simulation
線上邏輯模擬系統 on-line logic simulation system,OLLSS
連線機器 on-line machine
連線磁帶 on-line magnetic tape
線上維護 on-line maintenance
線上手冊 on-line manual
連線大容量儲存器,連線大量儲存器 on-line mass storage
連線材料管理系統 on-line material management system,OLMMS
線上醫學資料庫 on-line medical database
連線記憶體 on-line memory
連線記憶體測試 on-line memory test
連線模式 on-line mode
連線監視器 on-line monitor,OLM
連線監視 on-line monitoring
連線數值控制語言 on-line numerical control language
連線操作,連線運算,連線作業 on-line operation,OLO
連線訂單登錄系統 on-line order entry system,OOES
連線訂單登錄 on-line order entry,OLOE
連線輸出,直接輸出 on-line output
連線病患記帳和應收帳款 on-line patient billing and accounts receivable,OL/PBAR
連線病患監視系統 on-line patient monitoring system
連線型樣分析和識別 on-line pattern analysis and recognition
連線型樣分析和識別系統 on-line pattern analysis and recognition system,OLPARS
連線週邊設備測試 on-line peripheral test
連線週邊設備測試系統,連線週邊測試系統 on-line peripheral test system,OPTS
連線繪圖器 on-line plotter
連線繪圖器控制器 on-line plotter controller,OPC
連線列印機 on-line printer
連線問題確定 on-line problem determination,OLPD
線上處理合成器 on-line process synthesizer,OPS
線上處理 on-line processing
連線處理環境 on-line processing environment
連線處理最佳化 on-line processing optimization
連線處理機 on-line processor
連線程式 on-line program
連線程式除錯 on-line program debugging
連線程式開發 on-line program development
連線程式修改 on-line program modification
連線程式測試系統 on-line program testing system,OPTS
連線程式設計系統 on-line programming system,OLPS
連線程式設計 on-line programming,OLP
線上公用存取目錄 on-line public access catalog,OPAC
連線查詢語言 on-line query language,OQL
連線查詢 on-line query,OLQ
線上隨機存取處理 on-line random access processing
連線即時 on-line real-time
連線即時分支情報語言 on-line real-time branch information language,ORBIL
連線即時分路信息傳輸 on-line real-time branch information transmission,ORBIT
連線即時操作 on-line real-time operation
連線即時處理 on-line real-time processing,OLRTP
連線即時系統 on-line real-time system,OLRTS
線上重組態 on-line reconfiguration
線上參考 on-line reference
連線遠程微縮膠片閱讀機 on-line remote microfiche reader
連線零售商 on-line retailer
連線檢索 on-line retrieval
網路資訊連線檢索 on-line retrieval of information over a network,ORION
連線反向系統服務程式 on-line reversal SSP
連線常式 on-line routine
連線科學計算機 on-line scientific computer,OLSC
連線搜尋 on-line searching
連線服務 on-line service
線上服務提供者 on-line service provider
連線服務系統 on-line service system
線上購物 on-line shopping
連線軟體 on-line software
連線軟體系統 on-line software system,OLSS
線上排序 on-line sorting
連線獨立支援系統 on-line stand-along support system
連線狀態 on-line state
連線狀態 on-line state
連線儲存,線上儲存,連線儲存器 on-line storage
線上儲存條件 online storage term
線上商店 on-line store
連線系統驅動器 on-line system driver,OSD
連線系統環境 on-line system environment
連線系統維護 on-line system maintenance
連線系統管理 on-line system management
連線系統 on-line system,OLS
連線任務載入器 on-line task loader,OTL
連線任務處理 on-line task processing
連線櫃員系統 on-line teller system
連線櫃員終端 on-line teller terminal,OLTT
連線終端 on-line terminal
連線終端系統 on-line terminal system,OTS
連線終端機測試 on-line terminal test,OLTT
連線測試和診斷常式 on-line test and diagnostic routine
連線測試執行程式 on-line test executive program,OLTEP
連線測試設施 on-line test facilities
連線測試程式 on-line test program
連線測試常式 on-line test routine
連線測試獨立執行程式 on-line test stand-alone executive program,OLTSEP
連線測試系統 on-line test system,OLTS
連線測試異動處理 on-line test transaction processing
連線測試 on-line test,OLT
連線測試與除錯 on-line test/debug,OLTD
連線測試器 on-line tester
連線測試 on-line testing
連線測試模擬器 on-line testing simulator
連線分時系統 on-line time-shared system
線上追蹤 on-line tracking
連線異動 on-line transaction
連線交易導向的連線環境 on-line transaction oriented environment
線上異動處理 on-line transaction process,OLTP
線上異動處理 on-line transaction processing,OLTP
連線異動系統 on-line transaction system,OLTS
線上可信賴第三者 on-line trusted third party
連線杜林機 on-line Turing machine
連線教導文字 on-line tutorial text
線上排版系統 on-line typesetting system
連線打字機 on-line typewriter
連線裝置 on-line unit
連線供應商 on-line vendor
線上投票 on-line voting
無人數限制連線 on-line without limits
連線工作 on-line working
連線工作量 on-line work-load
線上,連線 on-line,OL
機器塗層 on-machine coating
專有名詞,人名大全,特殊名稱表 onomasticon
鄰近待用設備 on-premises-standby equipment
再演展示 on-scene show
國內委外服務 onshore outsourcing
現場維修 on-site service
飛擊式壓縮;即時壓縮 on-the-fly compression
即時解壓縮 on-the-fly decompression
拍蠅式列印機 on-the-fly printer
在軌道上命中,在線路上碰到,在發電中瞬時中斷 on-the-line hit
在上 onto
個體發生史 ontogeny
存在論 ontology
前進傳送 onward transfer
光學漂白劑 ooptical bleaching agent
視覺中點 ooptical centre
作業碼 op code
作業碼產生器 op code generator,OPGN
操作暫存器 op register
操作字 op word
暗度計;不透明度測試儀 opacimeter
不透明性,暗度 opacity
操作放大器 Opamp
運算放大器-升壓器併合電路 op-amp-booster hybrids
不透明 opaque
不透明區 opaque area
不透明墨 opaque ink
不透明遮罩 opaque mask
不透明投影機 opaque projector
不透明屏幕 opaque screen
開 open
開戶 open accounts
開放定址 open addressing
開放定址溢出技術 open addressing overflow technique
開放式遠距學習 open and distance learning
開放應用群組整合規格 open applications group integration specification
開放架構 open architecture
開放架構框架 open architecture framework
開放歸檔資訊系統 open archival information system
空背;開放背面 open back
開箱測試 open box testing
網際網路開放式購買 open buying on the Internet
網際網路開放購買標準 open buying on the Internet standardization
開放擷取檔案 open capture file
開路通道 open channel
作業費用登錄 open charge entry
開路阻抗 open circuit impedance
開路線 open circuit line
開路參數 open circuit parameter
開路發信 open circuit signaling
開路制 open circuit system
開路傳輸線 open circuit transmission line,OCTAL
開路 open circuit,OC
開放碼 open code
開碼程序 open code procedure
開路集極閘 open collector gate
開路集極反向器 open collector inverter
開路集極輸出 open collector output
開路集極 open collector,OC
開放電腦 open computer
開放連接埠對話 open connection port dialog,OCPD
觸點斷開音響指示 open contact tone
開放控制 open control
開放合作計算 open cooperative computing,OCC
開放曲線序列 open curve sequence
開放循環 open cycle
開放資料鏈介面 open data link interface,ODI
開放資料路徑 open data path,ODP
開放式資料庫存取 open database access
開放資料庫連接 open database connection,ODBC
開放資料庫連接性 open database connectivity,ODBC
開放解碼器 open decoder
Open Desktop 圖形介面 Open Desktop
作業明細登錄 open detail entry
公開數位權利語言 open digital rights language
開放目錄專案 open directory project
開放離散模組 open discrete modules
開放性分散式處理 open distributed processing
開放分散式系統架構 (英國) open distributed system architecture
開放文件架構 open document architecture,ODA
開放文件交換格式 open document interchange format,ODIF
開放文件管理API open document management api
應用程式介面的開放式文件管理 open document management api or application program interface
開放式電子書論壇 Open Electronic Book Forum
可擴充的結構 open ended structure
開放環境 open environment
開放故障 open fault
開啟檔案,打開檔案 open file
開放性財務互換 open financial exchange
開放公式 open formula
開放片段 open fragments
開放競賽 open game
開閘 open gate
開放式圖形庫 open GL
開放圖形語言 Open Graphics Language
開放圖形程式館 open graphics library,OpenGL
開放式防護 open guard
開放散列 open hash
開放散列定義 open hash definition
開放散列法 open hash method
開放散列表 open hash table
開放散列技術 open hash technique
開放工業標準 open industry standard,OIS
開放交互作用 open interaction
開放項目 open item
開放式計項法 open item method
明線 open line
負荷 open load
Open Look 介面 Open Look
開迴路 open loop
開環控制 open loop control
開環控制系統 open loop control system
開環阻尼 open loop damping,OLD
開環增益 open loop gain,OLG
開放迴路數值控制系統 open loop numerical control system
開環機器人 open loop robot
開環系統 open loop system
開環電壓增益 open loop voltage gain
開放式記憶體位置 open memory location
開放式麥克風 open mike
開放模式 open mode
開放多媒體應用平台 open multimedia application platform
開放網路計算 open network computing,ONC
開放網路管理系統 open network management system
開放型網路模型 open network model
開放節點 open node
開放編號 open numbering
開放作業 open operations
已開立訂單 open order
製令維護-雜項明細 open order maintenance-miscellaneous detail
製令維護-作業明細 open order maintenance-operations detail
製令材料明細 open order material detail
製令雜項明細 open order miscellaneous detail
製令作業描述 open order operation description
製令作業明細 open order operations detail
訂單狀態 open order status
訂單彙總 open order summary
訂單彙總節錄檔 open order summary extract file
開放路徑 open path
已開立應付檔 open payable file
開放式設定標準 open profiling standard
自由程式設計師 open programmer
已開立採購訂單 open purchase orders
起始數量 open quantity
存在的問題,待研究問題 open question
開放佇列網路 open queuing network
應收帳款明細檔,應收項目明細檔 open receivable detail file
開式捲盤 open reel
開放捲盤磁帶傳送 open reel tape transport
開放登記 open registration
開放式繼電器 open relay
開放繼電器行為修正系統 open relay behavior-modification system
開環機器人 open robot
開放常式 open routine
開放運行 open running
OSA架構 Open Scripting Architecture
開放式安全環境 open security environment
開放服務閘道 open service gateway
開放服務閘道創始 open service gateway initiative
開場 open shop
開場系統 open shop system
開放最短路徑優先 open shortest-path first
開放最短路徑優先內部閘道協定 open shortest-path first interior gateway protocol,OSPF
開放軟體基金會 open software foundation,OSF
開放原始碼 open source
開放原始碼定義 open source definition
開放原始碼開發實驗室 open source development labs
開放原始碼促進會 open source initiative
開放堆疊暫存器 open stack register
開敘述 open statement
開放字串 open string
開放次程式 open subprogram
開式次常式,開放次常式,開式副常式 open subroutine
待解決問題 open switch
開符號 open symbol
開放系統,開放型系統 open system
開放系統架構 open system architecture,OSA
開放系統呼叫 open system call
開放系統環境 open system environment
開放系統互連 open system interconnection
開放系統互連層 open system interconnection layer
開放系統互連計畫 open system interconnection plan,OSIP
開放系統傳輸 open system transmission
開放系統互連 open systems interconnect,OSI
開放系統互連架構 open systems interconnection architecture
開放性系統互連環境 open systems interconnection environment,OSIE
開放系統互連展示 open systems interconnection illustrated
開放系統互連模型 open systems interconnection model
開放系統互連參考模型 open systems interconnection reference model
開放系統互連 open systems interconnection,OSI
開放式系統交互工作 open systems interworking
開放電信平台 (標準) open telecom platform
開放正文 open text
開放時間 open time
開放拓撲學 open topology
開放貿易通信協定 open trading protocol
開放式交易管理器存取 open transaction manager access
空中大學 open university
開放虛擬記憶系統 Open Virtual Memory System
開放波導 open waveguide
開放網路應用安全專案 open web application security project
開視窗 open window
明線 open wire
明線電路 open wire circuit
明線線路 open wire line
明線鏈接 open wire link
明線佈線 open wiring
開/閉程式 open/close program
開/閉原理 open/closed principle
開關控制 open-and-shut control
在家上班者; 電子通勤族 open-collar worker
OpenDoc 複合文件架構 OpenDoc
已開啟文件 opened file
開放式結局 open-end
開端式 open-ended
開端式語言 open-ended language
開端式系統 open-ended system
開 opening
節目開始時的介紹 opening billboard
開括號 opening bracket
OpenInsight 軟體 OpenInsight
開迴路系統 open-loop systems
OpenMath 語言 OpenMath
開放原始碼軟體 open-source software
OpenTransport 網路程式 OpenTransport
OpenType 檔案格式 OpenType
開放視窗系統 OpenWindows
Opera 瀏覽器 Opera
可作業時間,可操作時間 operable time
運算元 operand
運算元存取 operand access
運算元位址 operand address
運算元位址產生器 operand address generator,OAG
運算元位址暫存器 operand address register,OAR
運算元定址模式 operand addressing mode,OAM
運算元匯流排 operand bus
運算元高速緩衝記憶體控制 operand cache control
運算元呼叫音節 operand call syllable
運算元編碼格式 operand coding format
運算元延遲 operand delay
運算元描述 operand description
運算元描述導向的程式設計語言 operand description oriented programming language
運算元描述符 operand descriptor
運算元描述符暫存器 operand descriptor register
運算元有效位址 operand effective address
運算元入口 operand entry
運算元提取模組 operand fetch module
運算元欄 operand field
運算元欄分隔符 operand field separator
運算元格式 operand format
運算元識別 operand identification
運算元頁 operand page
運算元段 operand segment
運算元說明符 operand specifier
運算元說明符型式 operand specifier type
運算元堆疊 operand stack
運算元儲存暫存器 operand storage register,OSR
運算元儲存 operand store
運算元子串列 operand sublist
運算元和 operand sum
運算元表 operand table
運算元類型 operand type
運算元字 operand word
運算元精度暫存器 operand-precision register
操作,運算 operate
運算類指令 operate class instruction
操作模式,運算模式,運算模 operate mode
操作導向語言 operate oriented language
操作儲存器 operate storage
操作時間,運算時間 operate time
操作堆疊暫存器 operated stack register,OSR
操作環境溫度 operating ambient temperature,OAT
運算角 operating angle
作業板 operating board
操作特性 operating characteristic
操作特性曲線 operating characteristic curve,OCC
操作電路,運算電路 operating circuit
操作類別 operating class
操作碼 operating code
操作命令 operating command
操作條件 operating condition
操作控制台 operating console
運算控制器 operating control
作業成本 operating cost
操作人員 operating crew
操作電流 operating current
操作資料 operating data
作業延遲 operating delay
操作規則 operating discipline
作業磁片 operating diskette
操作顯示 operating display
操作距離 operating distance
運算引擎 operating engine
操作環境,運行環境 operating environment
操作設備 operating equipment
作業費用 operating expenses
作業設施 operating facilities
操作功能,操作函數 operating function
操作指南 operating guide
作業收入,作業收益 operating income
操作資訊 operating information
作業資訊系統 operating information system
操作指令 operating instruction
操作鍵 operating key
作業知識 operating knowledge
操作語言,作業語言 operating language
操作壽命 operating life
操作極限 operating limit
操作負載 operating load
作業日誌,運行記錄 operating log
操作維護,日常維護 operating maintenance
操作維護面板 operating maintenance panel,OMP
操作維護程序 operating maintenance procedure,OMP
操作方法 operating method
作業模式,操作模式 operating mode
作業效能 operating performance
操作原理 operating principle
操作程序 operating procedure
操作程式帶 operating program tape,OPT
操作程式 operating program,OPPR
操作規定 operating provision
作業範圍,運算範圍 operating range
運算速率 operating rate
作業比,運行率 operating ratio
操作運行記錄 operating record
日常維護檢修 operating repairs
操作需求 operating requirement
作業研究 operating research
作業順序控制陣列 operating sequence control array,OSCAR
作業端 operating side
運算記號,操作記號 operating sign
操作信號 operating signal
操作空間,操作區 operating space
操作說明書 operating specification
操作速率 operating speed
操作狀態,運行狀態 operating state
作業狀態 operating status
作業監督器 operating supervisor
作業系統存取法 operating system access method
作業系統位址空間 operating system address space
作業系統算法 operating system algorithm
作業系統架構 operating system architecture
作業系統特性 operating system characteristics
作業系統共存性 operating system coexistence
作業系統命令和回應語言 operating system command and response language,OSCRL
操作系統通信應用程式 operating system communication application program,OSCAP
作業系統成分,作業系統組成部分 operating system component
作業系統組態 operating system configuration
作業系統控制段 operating system control segment
操作系統描述 operating system description,OSD
作業系統調度器 operating system dispatcher
作業系統效率 operating system efficiency
作業系統環境 operating system environment
作業系統錯誤隔離 operating system error isolation
作業系統設施 operating system facility
作業系統族 operating system family
作業系統檔案 operating system file
作業系統韌體 operating system firmware,OSF
作業系統功能 operating system function
作業系統功能 operating system functions
作業系統生成,作業系統產生 operating system generation
作業系統實施語言 operating system implementation language,OSIL
作業系統初始化,作業系統啟動 operating system initialization
操作系統介面 operating system interface,OSI
作業系統工件控制指引 operating system job control directive
作業系統工件控制程式 operating system job control program
作業系統核心 operating system kernel
作業系統語言 operating system language,OSL
作業系統機器層次 operating system machine level,OSML
作業系統管理 operating system management
作業系統主程序 operating system master
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